
Most of SEMILLERU’s activities have been carried out since 2017 under the umbrella of FICXPro (FICX Industry Days until 2018), conferences aimed at professionals in the audiovisual sector. 

SEMILLERU is structured around film training, support for the creation and revitalization of audiovisual projects and networking with other entities at a state and European level. It is based on the experiences and the journey of three activities that Divertia has carried out in recent years: FICX Academy and the Works in Progress Push-Play and FICXLAB by FICXPro. To them is added, as a great novelty, SEMILLERU Kids, a laboratory of projects exclusively dedicated to the public youth and children’s audience at a state level. 

Origins of SEMILLERU Lab

Some projects that have gone through the Works in Progress Push-Play and FICXLAB by FICXPro, currently SLab in the period 2017 – 2021

  • Las letras de Jordi (world premiere at the San Sebastián Film Festival).
  • Les perseides (world premiere at BAFICI).
  • Blanco en blanco (world premiere and Orizzonti Best Direction Award at the Venice Film Festival, Chile’s candidate for the Oscars in 2022).
  • Arima (world premiere at the Seville Film Festival). 
  • Un blues para Teherán (world premiere at FICX, nominated for the Goya in 2022).
  • Destello bravío (world premiere at IFF Rotterdam). 
  • La calle de agua (world premiere and winner of 7 awards at FICX). 
  • Magaluf Ghost Town (World premiere at Hot Docs, Best Film Award at Thessaloniki). 
  • Puerperio (Premiere at Visions du Réel in 2022).

As for the mentors and juries, programmers from festivals such as Cannes, Berlinale, Locarno, Rotterdam, Karlovy Vary, VIENNALE, Cinéma du Réel, Thessaloniki, Hamburg, Valdivia, Toulouse, Clermont Ferrand or La Roche-sur-Yon, among others, have passed through SEMILLERU Lab’s WiP between 2017 and 2021.

Christophe Mercier | Quinzaine des Réalisateurs de Cannes
Paméla Biénzobas | Lorcano IFF
Dimitris Kerkinos | Festival de Teslónica IFF
James Lattimer | Berlinale Forum
Isabel Orellana | Valdivia IFF
Roger Koza |Hamburgo FF

In the calls for projects in development, programmers of festivals such as Las Palmas have participated in the jury, as well as productors (Agustina Lumi, Analía G. Alonso) and filmmakers (Elisa Cepedal, Ángeles Huerta). 

Agustina Lumi | Productora
Analía G. Alonso | Productora
Elisa Cepedal | Cineasta
Silvia Cruz | Productora