Where you are will be my home

Project TItle: Dónde estés será mi hogar
Title in English: Where you are will be my home
Director: Lionel Braverman
Producer: Florencia de Mugica
Screenplay: Lionel Braverman

Production Company:
Run-time (estimate): 80 Minutes
Genre: Ficción
Budget: € 289.606

Contact Person: Lionel Braverman

Email: Lbraver@gmail.com

Phone Number: 641 513 709


Irene and Miguel have a fleeting romance. They’re teenagers, it’s the end of summer. He works as a gardener in expensive buildings in Madrid. She still doesn’t want to decide her future.

They meet in her building, while he works. After the encounter, while searching for him through the streets of his neighborhood, Irene observes something strange among the people. A new plant infects its hosts, possessing their bodies, and reproducing new ones. The young couple tries to live their romance, looking for an intimate place in the city. They are unaware of the danger that threatens, which they will find out too late.

Current State of the Project:

The project is currently developing its first script version. It participated in the MRG/WRK 2022 laboratories, at the Margins Festival, and MECAS 2023, at the Las Palmas Festival, Gran Canaria.


The immediate objective is to develop, at the same time, the script and a production design according to it. We conceive each film as a particular organization, whose character is also based on the decisions and systems that achieve its realization.

We are looking to have a solid script version by March 2024. While the writing is developed, production processes will be carried out that strengthen the tone and inform the writing: Mainly the search for locations and casting.


Lionel Braverman. 1986, Buenos Aires. He lives and works in Madrid since 2021. He was assistant director in films such as “Viola”, by Matias Pineiro; “The perfect future”, by Nele Wohlatz; “The Faculties”, by Nele Wohlatz. from Eloisa Solaas; and “The girls are fine”, directed by Itsaso Arana.

His feature films completed as co-screenwriter were premiered at the San Sebastian Film Festival: “We Never Die” (by Eduardo Crespo, Official Competition 2020), and “Amigas en un Camino de Campo” (by Santiago Loza, Zabaltegui, 2022).

was awarded the MRG/WRK 2022 Audiovisual Creation Award, and was selected in MECAS 2023 Cinema to be done, at the Las Palmas Festival.

Note of Intent:

I always see in the films that interest me and in which I feel like filming, a powerful emotion that crosses and transforms the story. In Dónde estés será mi horgar is the threat of ignoring someone you love, the suspicion that the beloved face actually hides another, one that poses a danger. An exaggerated paranoia of losing someone close to the crowd, the risk of wanting and being vulnerable, a fear that we all once live in the body.

I am interested in this ambiguous terrain that produces terror in bodies, in this dialog between the real and the fantastic, I find personal feelings, almost shameful, of my experience: Paranoia and fear, but also wanting and missing someone. That’s why I want a raw story, a thick stroke, of teenage passions, neighborhoods at dawn, lots of sleep, romances, infections, smell of cut grass, outburst.