
Development and Pre-Production

Project title: Insectos
English title: Insects
Director: Fon Cortizo
Production: Beli Martínez
Screenplay: Fon Cortizo
Production company: Filmika Galaika
Duration (estimated): 90′
Genre: Dramatic comedy | Adventure
Budget: €1,004,633.11


Currently the project is in the development phase, on the one hand there is Fon Cortizo, director and screenwriter of Insects working on the script that is in its second version and on the other hand from production we are working on finding an international co-production partner, trying to bring the project to all the markets that seem appropriate to us not only to find the right partner, but also to find a sales agent to help us develop a good strategy for its dissemination and distribution. Together with Fon we prepared the recording of a teaser that will help us materialize the intentions we have with Insects as a film, a sample of its narrative, its aesthetics, but above all its emotion. In addition to preparing the project to request production aid from both the AGADIC and the ICAA, also trying to present the film to both TVG and TVE. He has received the AGADIC Talent Grant – Script 2019 and the AGADIC Development HUB Grant 2022.


Script rewriting, finding specialized advice to maximize all the possibilities of the project, meeting professionals from whom we can learn and creating a network of contacts that will help us bring this great project to a successful conclusion. Have greater visibility already from this development phase thanks to the prestige of the Lab.


Aurora lives in a small village, since she returned from France, she is treated like a foreigner and a deviant. She prefers the company of the insects that still inhabit her garden, but road construction threatens to destroy her home. Her fight against the work stops when she discovers that Bernadette’s remains have been removed from the cemetery. Aurora sets off towards the city to recover them and will do so following the same route that they use to build the new road. In a straight line. Jumping over walls or crossing other people’s houses, her path becomes a vindication against abandonment.


An Inuit custom offers an angry person relief by walking in a straight line until their emotion is removed from the system. The point at which the rage is overcome is marked by driving a stake, so that the length of anger can be accurately measured. Aurora’s path has something of that mourning, but also of rebellion.

Insects is a story of resistance, of reconstruction, of community. Its protagonist is an old woman who represents the traditional knowledge and the combative and collective spirit of the women who live and have lived in rural Galicia. Walking as a driver of a necessary change, of a deceleration that puts a stop to the progressive destruction of the planet.

Aurora’s path is, also, a dissection of the different substrates that are established between the village and the city. A journey that moves away from an idealized view and that seeks in new ways of living and in the peripheries the emergence of transformative and generative realities of communities that are in contact with tradition and territory.


Fon Cortizo (1978, Vigo) works as a director and screenwriter.

9 Fugas (2020), his first fiction feature film, receives the award for best international film in the Retueyos section of the Xixón International Film Festival. He tours international festivals such as the Shanghai International Film Fest, New Horizons, Molodist, D’A. The film is awarded with a Mestre Mateo, and receives the award for best direction at the Caracas Iberoamerican Film Fest, Premios CREA and Primavera do Cine de Vigo.

Between 2017 and 2018 he toured national and international festivals with the short documentaries Aysha, Americano and Filomena. Aysha is awarded at the New York DUAF Festival, Curtocircuíto and at Cinalfama Lisboa.

Contrafaces (2016), is his first feature-length documentary that premiered on Visions du Reel.

Contact: Beli Martínez


Telephone: 646 82 56 48