¿Dónde están los ladrones?


Project title: ¿Dónde están los ladrones?
English title: Where are the robbers?
Director: Julu Martínez
Screenplay: Julu Martínez
Production Company:
Duration (estimated): 85 min
Genre: Drama, comedy.
Budget: Pending.
Current project status: Development, re-writing, looking for a production company. 

Needs / Objectives: Learning and exploring the different ways of bringing the film closer to children and youth from its very early conception and from the hands of professionals in the sector is an opportunity and a clear objective to continue growing, rethinking and building the film. As well as looking for possible synergies and seeking sponsorships or support through production companies or industry agents who can ultimately help the project grow.


Contact person: Julu Martínez

Email: julumagas@gmail.com

Telephone: 658608029


Manuel is 10 years old and this summer he will have the opportunity to start from scratch and make new friends at the camping site where he is going to spend the summer holidays with his family. He is very excited. And it is normal that he is, because Manuel deals with bullying every day at his school. They call him a “faggot”. A word that he denies every time, but also a word that he doesn’t actually know what it really means.


Where are the robbers? is a film told from the idea of “playing”, for children and adults. The cinema deployed as an exercise of primary empathy to bother, ask and rethink about education, family, bullying, referents, the homeland, masculinities: about identity. 

Identity, told from a childish perspective that hides the most perverse edges, the seeds of the construction of social filters around issues such as masculinity, femininity and internalized homophobia. This is at times a spy movie. 

A film about the need to find referents, about shelters, about fellow travelers and LGBTQ+ characters within our cinema, and in our society in general. With the idea of putting on the table the emotional tools and the invisible (and often visible) violence that the absence of communication and deconstruction generates in our relationships.


Julu Martínez (Ponferrada, 1996) is a graduate in Film, TV and Media Studies and has produced independent projects such as “The Brown Colors” (2018), “Backfield” (2019) and “Cliff” (2018), awarded in the Young Artists program of Castilla and León, the Int. Cinema Jove festival in Valencia, the Carabanchel Spanish Film Week or the First Flame International Film Festival (India). 

Currently, while carrying out their projects, they collaborate with other artists, as an art director, graphic designer and stylist. “Where are the robbers?” is their debut project while they finish the post-production of “Map of emotional geography” (2023), their next short film.